Orion Clemens

Fred W. Lorch (1893 - 1967)

Orion Clemens (July 17, 1825 – December 11, 1897) was the first and only Secretary of the Nevada Territory. His younger brother Samuel Langhorne Clemens became an author under the pen name Mark Twain. This collection of stories by Fred Lorch corrects many misconceptions and inaccuracies about Orion, an oft-misunderstood character who struggled, in many ways, to do and say the "right thing".
This work comes from the October 1929 issue of the magazine The Palimpsest, issued monthly by the State Historical Society of Iowa. - Summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman

Genre(s): Biography & Autobiography, Essays & Short Works, Modern (19th C)

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 The Tradition John Greenman
Play 02 Molly Clemens's Note Book John Greenman
Play 03 Literary Apprenticeship John Greenman
Play 04 Adrift for Heresy John Greenman
Play 05 The Closing Years John Greenman
Play 06 Comment by the Editor John Greenman